General information
The NSB-DWM is available for Classroom Visits and/or Field Trips with students on the North Slope. We usually have a biologist and a subsistence hunter go into classrooms together and talk about subsistence resources and the Arctic. For schools in the outlying villages, with enough notice we will do our best to visit your school. For schools onslope and offslope, we are also available for online “Virtual Classroom Visits” using technology such as Skype. To request a visit, contact our Outreach Coordinator at (907) 852-0350 with your topic of interest and your preferred times and dates and we will do our best to accommodate your students’ needs.
This website also provides many resources that may be useful to teachers and their students. Click below for these topics:
- NSB-DWM Student Programs
- NSB-DWM Newsletters
- NSB Research on Subsistence Resources
- The AEWC and the IWC
- For Subsistence Hunters
- Hunter Education
- Polar Bear Safety
- Plastics Awareness Poster
- Common Species on the North Slope:
- Common Plants on the North Slope
- Arctic Resources
Other useful links
- ADFG Education Materials for Educators
- Alaska Traditional Knowledge and Native Foods Database
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology: All About Birds
- Project Caribou
- Caribou Anatomy
- Gwich’in Caribou Anatomy
- Fish That We Eat by Anore Jones
- Whaling History (New Bedford Whaling Museum and Mystic SeaPort)