Department mission

The Department of Wildlife Management facilitates sustainable harvest and monitors populations of fish and wildlife species through scientific research, Indigenous knowledge, leadership, and advocacy from local to international levels. The Department diversifies funding opportunities through the submission of grant proposals focusing on subsistence species and issues of the highest interest to North Slope residents.

General information

The Department of Wildlife Management is responsible for helping to assure participation by Borough residents in the management of wildlife and fish by maintaining these resources at healthy population levels so that residents can continue to practice traditional methods of subsistence harvest of wildlife resources in perpetuity. Our studies help to provide scientific documentation of the subsistence needs of North Slope Borough (NSB) residents. With industrial activity expanding into new areas, arctic warming trends already affecting the marine and land environments, and further regulation of subsistence hunting by State, Federal, and special interest groups, it is essential that we continue to work toward the following goals.



Taqulik Hepa, Director of Wildlife
Phone: (907) 852-0350
Fax: (907) 852-0351

Nicole Wojciechowski, M.S., Deputy Director of Wildlife
Phone: (907) 852-0350
Fax: (907) 852-0351

For any errors seen on the Department of Wildlife Management pages, please contact us at (907) 852-0350.

Banner photo credit: Billy Adams

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