Department mission

The mission of the Department of Finance is to ensure the financial integrity of the North Slope Borough in a manner that meets or exceeds regulatory standards. The Department will provide high quality, timely, and efficient service to the public, the Assembly, and other North Slope Borough departments.

General information

Director’s Office is primarily responsible for the smooth operation of internal Borough functions by maintaining clear communications and a good working relationship within its divisions and with other Borough departments. All external inquiries regarding financial and fiscal matters are coordinated through the Director’s Office for appropriate responses. All documents to initiate an encumbrance or payment for the Borough are approved by the Director’s Office.

Director of Finance manages the Borough’s investment program, coordinates general obligation bond sales, administers the Borough’s bonded indebtedness, prepares budget forecasting models that include the 17-year operations forecast and projection of debt capacity, budget development, and supervise Assessing.

Deputy Director of Finance supervises the divisions of Central Budget and Position Control, Service Area Ten and Purchasing, prepares the CAFR and supervises the Controller/Accounting, Grants Divisions and Utility Billing.



Beverly Eliason, Director
Phone Number: (907) 852-0240
Fax Number: (907) 852-0245

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