Department of Finance: Stewarding Fiscal Integrity and Service Excellence
Mission: The mission of the Department of Finance is to safeguard the financial integrity of the North Slope Borough while delivering high-quality, efficient, and timely services. The Department upholds the highest regulatory standards, supporting the public, the Assembly, and other Borough departments with accuracy and professionalism.
Overview: The Department of Finance serves as the fiscal backbone of the North Slope Borough, ensuring smooth and transparent financial operations. Leading the charge is the Director’s Office, which maintains communication within its divisions and coordinates responses to external financial inquiries. The Director’s Office also oversees the approval of all documents related to payments and encumbrances.
Key Functions
- Director’s Office: Manages the Borough’s investment program, oversees bond sales, administers bonded debts, and crafts budget forecasting models, including long-term operational projections. The Director is at the helm of budget development and the supervision of the Assessing Division.
- Deputy Director of Finance: Oversees vital divisions including Central Budget and Position Control, Service Area Ten, and Purchasing. The Deputy Director also prepares the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and manages Accounting, Grants, and Utility Billing.
Commitment to Financial Excellence: The Department of Finance prides itself on precise budget management, accurate forecasting, and diligent investment oversight. By ensuring the Borough’s financial health, the department supports strategic initiatives and daily operations, helping to build a stable and prosperous future for the North Slope community.
Future Goals: As financial stewards, the Department of Finance seeks to continue refining processes, enhancing transparency, and broadening financial strategies. Through effective fiscal management, the department will continue to meet evolving needs while maintaining the Borough’s economic stability and growth.
Beverly Eliason, Director of Finance
Phone Number: (907) 852-0240
Fax Number: (907) 852-0245
Georgianna Sielak, Deputy Director of Finance
Phone Number: (907) 339-5018