General information

The Grants Division is responsible for providing quality and effective assistance in all aspects of grant development and administration through partnering with North Slope Borough stakeholders to meet community needs identified by the long-term strategic plan.

Grants Division:

  • Coordinates with NSB Departments, city and Tribal Governments to implement, develop and accomplish grant programs.
  • Works closely with the Administration to develop and implement a strategic plan for seeking grant funding.
  • Represents the North Slope Borough with state, tribal and federal organizations and foundations.
  • Facilitates partnerships with local agencies and communities.
  • Provides capacity building opportunities.
  • Promotes career advancement for long-term employee retention.
  • Ensures grant compliance to maintain creditability with funding agencies.


Rosanna Lemen, Division Manager
Phone Number: (907) 852-0467
Fax Number: (907) 852-4145

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