Department mission

The Health & Social Services Department mission is to serve the North Slope through culturally safe care.

General information

Vision: A resilient and empowered generation.


  1. HUMILITY – Putting others needs first.
  2. COMPASSION – Understanding, kindness, and love for others.
  3. UNITY – Willingly working together.
  4. INTEGRITY – Wholeness, completeness, honest, and sincere.
  5. RESPECT – Shared respect, shared meaning, shared knowledge, and experience of learning together.

Our primary responsibility is to provide culturally safe care to the residents of the North Slope Borough through the following programs: Community Health Aide Program, Children & Youth Services, Integrated Behavioral Health, Gathering Place, Sober Living Environment, Public Health Nursing, Senior Program, Veterinarian/Public Health Office, Women, Infant & Children Program, AWIC, and the Prevention Program, in addition to contracted services of Assisted Living, Mental Health Group Home, Home Makers Program, Tribal Doctors, and PHO Senior Center for Elders/Youth Nutrition Services.

We invited the surveyors to evaluate how well we meet international standards for quality. The survey will tell us what we are doing well and ways we might improve. As a result of this survey, we may earn or continue accreditation.



Lynette Hepa, Director
Phone Number: (907) 852-0344
Fax Number: (907) 852-0389

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