General information

The NSB-DWM has been working on programs to encourage North Slope students to study science in college and to choose a career in science. Some of these programs (see the list of links below) are funded by the NSB Mayor’s Office.

We are also available for Classroom Visits and/or Field Trips with students on the North Slope. We usually have a biologist and a subsistence hunter go into classrooms together (Tag-Team Presentations) and talk about subsistence resources and the Arctic. For schools in the outlying villages, with enough notice we will do our best to visit your school. For schools onslope and offslope, we are also available for online “Virtual Classroom Visits” using technology such as Skype. To request a visit, contact our Outreach Coordinator with your topic of interest and your preferred times and dates and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.


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