General information
IHLC Commission Member | Term | Alternate |
Della Ivanoff, Atqasuk | 1/1/22 – 12/31/24 | Molly Ahkivgak |
Esther Hugo, Anaktuvuk Pass | 1/1/22 – 12/31/24 | Margaret Gordon |
, Utqiagvik, Seat 1 | 1/1/18 – 12/31/23 | |
, Utqiagvik, Seat 2 | 1/1/21 – 12/31/23 | |
Edward Rexford Sr., Kaktovik | 1/1/22 – 12/31/24 | Flora Rexford |
Herbert Ipalook Sr., Nuiqsut | 1/1/22 – 12/31/24 | Sam Kunaknana |
Susie Frankson, Point Hope | 1/1/20 – 12/31/22 | Phyllis Frankson |
, Point Lay | 1/1/20 – 12/31/22 | |
Gladys Nashoalook, Wainwright | 1/1/22 – 12/31/24 | Raymond Aguvluk, Jr. |
Corrine Danner, At-Large | 1/1/24 – 12/31/26 |
There is hereby created in the office of the Mayor of the North Slope Borough the Inupiat History, Language and Culture Commission.
(’75 Code, § 2.16.010)(Ord. 76-27-1, passed 5-4-82)
§ 2.16.020 COMPOSITION
(A) The North Slope Borough Commission on History, Language and Culture consists of ten (10) members appointed by the Mayor, and subject to confirmation by the Assembly.
(B) One (1) member shall be appointed from each of the following villages: Anaktuvuk Pass, Atksook, Kaktovik, Nuiqsut, Point Hope, Point Lay, Wainwright. Two (2) members shall be appointed from Barrow. One (1) at-large member shall be appointed.
(C) Appointments to fill vacancies shall be for the unexpired term only.
(D) Each member upon termination of his current term may be reappointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the Assembly.
(E) The Mayor may appoint one (1) alternate village member for each regular member from the same village. The alternate member shall be appointed by the Assembly as in the manner for a regular members, and shall attend meetings, and hold full voting powers when substituting for a regular member.
(F) The voting members of the Inupiat History, Language and Culture Commission shall be a resident of the village which they represent provided, however, that the one at-large member need not be a resident of the North Slope Borough nor of any particular community. The office manager of the Inupiat History, Language and Culture Commission shall be an ex-official member but shall not vote.
(G) The Commission may invite representatives of Inupiat-speaking people residing outside the North Slope Borough to attend and participate in commission affairs on an ex-official basis.
(’75 Code, § 2.16.020)(Ord. 76-27-1, passed 5-4-82)
§ 2.16.030 TERMS OF OFFICE
(A) The term of office of the ten voting members is three years, except as provided in subsection (C) of this section during the transition to staggered terms.
(B) The term of office for each voting member’s alternate will be the same as that voting member.
(C) The terms of the voting members shall be staggered. By resolution, the Commission shall specify how to implement the transition to staggered terms, and the resolution may assign terms of less than three years. The Commission’s resolution shall assign terms so that as nearly as possible, the same number of Commission members shall commence their terms each year.
(’75 Code, § 2.16.030)(Ord. 76-27-1, passed 5-4-82; Am. Ord. 92-27, passed 1-5-93; Am. Ord. 76-27-03, passed 3-2-10)
§ 2.16.040 OFFICERS
The Commission shall designate a voting member as its presiding officer to conduct the affairs of the Commission, a deputy presiding officer to serve in the absence of the presiding officer and such other officers as deemed necessary by its membership. Only the presiding officer need be a voting member.
(’75 Code, § 2.16.040)(Ord. 76-27-1, passed 5-4-82)
§ 2.16.060 VACANCIES
(A) A vacancy shall be declared and filled when a member:
- Fails to qualify or take his or her office within ninety (90) days after confirmation by the Assembly.
- Departs from the Borough with the intent to remain away for a period of ninety (90) or more days, or is physically absent from the village he or she was appointed to represent for a period of ninety or more days.
- Submits his or her resignation and the resignation is accepted by the Borough Mayor.
- Is physically or mentally unable to attend Commission meetings for a period of more than ninety (90) days.
- Misses two (2) or more consecutive meetings, unless excused by the Commission.
(B) The Clerk of the Commission or such other person as is designated by the presiding officer shall keep attendance records and notify the Mayor when vacancies occur.
(’75 Code, § 2.16.060)(Ord. 76-27-1, passed 5-4-82)
(A) Regular meeting shall be held no less than once every three months and no more than twice a month.
(B) Special meetings and workshops may be called by the presiding officer or by three members of the commission.
(’75 Code, § 2.16.070)(Ord. 76-27-1, passed 5-4-82)
Meetings shall be public and minutes and records of meetings will be filed and retained as public records.
(’75 Code, § 2.16.080)(Ord. 76-27-1, passed 5-4-82)
The Commission shall adopt its own rules and procedure.
(’75 Code, § 2.16.090)(Ord. 76-27-1, passed 5-4-82)
(A) The Commission shall be provided with suitable office space and secretarial assistance in order for it to accomplish its duties and functions.
(B) The Mayor may make available to the Commission the assistance of staff and consultants of the Borough to and in the furtherance of performance of the Commission’s duties.
(’75 Code, § 2.16.100)(Ord. 76-27-1, passed 5-4-82)
§ 2.16.110 DUTIES
The duties of the Commission shall be, but shall not be limited to, the following:
(A) Develop a common writing system for the Inupiat language.
(B) Develop a complete historical record of the land, people and villages of the North Slope.
(C) Translate into the Inupiat language all important documents within the North Slope Borough government.
(D) Assist in the development of facilities that will make records and collections available to the citizens of the North Slope Borough.
(E) Assist in the development and coordination of production of publication of work in the form of books, dictionaries, exhibits, films, video and audio tapes, and other media utilizing the Inupiat language, culture and history of the Inupiat of the North Slope region.
(F) Evaluate on-going programs and current developments as to their cultural and linguistic context and impact.
(G) Evaluate the existing historical, cultural and linguistic knowledge of the region, and on the basis of such evaluation identify areas and priorities for future studies and programs.
(H) Cooperate with Federal, State and Local government, agencies, organizations in programs relating to history, language and culture.
(I) Undertake at it’s discretion and subject to the approval of the Assembly, a research and exchange program including other Inupiat-speaking people at an international level.
(J) Present to the Mayor, Assembly and School Board findings and recommendations in areas of the Commission’s concern.
(K) Seek fundings for studies and programs according to priorities established by the Commission.
(L) Review all research planned or under progress relating to or bearing upon the history, language and cultural of the North Slope Region. This review shall apply to research sponsored both from within and outside the North Slope region:
- Acting in this capacity, the Commission may request changes/modifications of project, subjects, or procedures.
- On the basis of the Commission’s review and evaluation it may recommend that a project be funded.
(’75 Code, § 2.16.110)(Ord. 76-27-1, passed 5-4-82)
§ 2.16.120 FUNDS
All funds, grants and donations received by the Commission for studies and programs shall be deposited in the general fund and shall be used against expenditures incurred by the project according to the North Slope Borough’s administration procedures.
(’75 Code, § 2.16.120)(Ord. 76-27-1, passed 5-4-82)
§ 2.16.130 REPORTS
The Commission shall make an annual report to the Mayor and the Assembly.
(’75 Code, § 2.16.130)(Ord. 76-27-1, passed 5-4-82)