Monitoring Climate Change With Arctic Seabirds, Friends of Cooper Island: Supporting the Long-Term Research of George Divoky and Associates

George Divoky’s research on Black Guillemots (Iŋaġiq) on Cooper Island, a barrier island about 25 miles southeast of Barrow, has received national and international attention as an indicator of climate change. You can go to this site to find out more about his work. During the summer field season, George blogs about the happenings on Cooper Island.

Black Guillemot carrying arctic cod to young. Photo: George Divoky

Two male Black Guillemots, strutting. Photo: George Divoky

The Cooper Island Nest Case Project

In an effort to help guillemots continue breeding on the island and monitoring a rapidly changing environment, all 150 wooden nest boxes currently used by the guillemots are being replaced with bear-proof plastic cases. View a slide show of the new nest sites being built in Seattle and then traveling to Barrow, and Cooper Island. Learn how you can help with the continuing research of the black guillemot as it responds to the many changes occurring in the Alaskan Arctic. For more information on George’s nest case project or to sponsor a nest site click here.

Black Guillemot defending next box. Photo: George Divoky


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