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Upland Birds
- Golden Eagle
- Northern Harrier
- Rough-legged Hawk
- Merlin
- Peregrine Falcon
- Gyrfalcon
- Short-eared Owl
- Snowy Owl
Upland Birds
Sandhill Crane
Iñupiaq Name: Tatirgak
Scientific Name: Grus canadensis
Near Barrow in July 2016 taken by Leslie Pierce
Rock Ptarmigan
Iñupiaq Name: Niksaaktuŋiq
Scientific Name: Lagopus mutus
Willow Ptarmigan
Iñupiaq Name: Aqargiq
Scientific Name: Lagopus lagopus
Summer. Taken by Brian Person
Winter. Taken by Carla Kayotuk
Golden Eagle
Iñupiaq Name: Tiŋmiaqpak
Scientific Name: Aquila chrysaetos
Juvenile Golden Eagle, taken by Qaiyaan Harcharek
Juvenile Golden Eagle, taken by Qaiyaan Harcharek
Northern Harrier
Iñupiaq Name: Papiktuuq
Scientific Name: Circus cyaneus
Rough-Legged Hawk
Iñupiaq Name: Qiłġiq
Scientific Name: Buteo lagopus
Taken by Leslie Pierce
Taken by Leslie Pierce
Iñupiaq Name: Kirgaviatchauraq, Tiŋmiaġruum kirgavia
Scientific Name: Falco columbarius
Peregrine Falcon
Iñupiaq Name: Kirgavigruaq, Kirgavik
Scientific Name: Falco peregrinus
Taken on Cooper Island by Penelope Chilton
Iñupiaq Name: Aatqarruaq, Aatqatruaq, Kirgavik, Kirgavik, Ukiuqtaq
Scientific Name: Falco rusticolus
Short-Eared Owl
Iñupiaq Name: Nipaiłuktaq
Scientific Name: Asio flammeus
Taken by Robert Suydam
Snowy Owl
Iñupiaq Name: Ukpik
Scientific Name: Nyctea scandiaca
Taken by Leslie Pierce
Taken by Nicole Gottdenker
Taken by Jo Heathcote
Banner photo: Willow Ptarmigan by Brian Person