General information

The Government and External Affairs Division coordinates the Borough’s official policy and funding relationships outside of the North Slope. The division interacts with the U.S. Congress, the Alaska State Legislature, and state and federal agencies. It reports on legislation, funding, and regulatory actions that affect the Borough and its residents.

Government Affairs manages policy interactions with the oil and gas industry and other major companies doing business on the North Slope. The division also pursues collaborations with agencies, other local governments and outside organizations that can lead to economic development within the Borough’s boundaries.

Government and External Affairs, working with the Borough Law and other departments, also addresses various issues associated oil and gas development, Service Area Ten, gas pipelines, and other issues such as public comments.


Angela Cox, Director Government and External Affairs
Phone: 907-339-5000

D.J. Fauske, Deputy Director Government and External Affairs
Phone Number: (907) 903-5648
Fax Number: (907) 852-0337

Araina Danner, Public Information Officer
Phone Number: 907-852-0200
Fax Number: 907-852-0337
Email Address: Araina Danner

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