General information

Planning Commission Member Alternate
Hazel F. Pebley, Barrow (ending 12/31/2025) Selene Sanchez
Esther S. Hugo, Anaktuvuk Pass (ending 12/31/2025) Peter E. Williams
Paul Bodfish Sr., Atqasuk (ending 12/31/2025) Lilly Frankson (ending 12/31/2025)
Lee Kayotuk, Kaktovik (ending 12/31/2026) Nora Jane Burns
George Sielak, Nuiqsut (ending 12/31/2026) Herbert Ipalook, Sr.  (ending 12/31/2026)
Caroline Cannon, Point Hope (ending 12/31/2024) Nancy Rock
Jack Henry Jr., Point Lay (ending 12/2026) Carrie Labrado
Jimmie F. Kagak, Wainwright (ending 12/31/2025) Rossellen Swan (ending 12/31/2025)


(A) One person from each established community of the Borough shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Assembly to be a member of the Planning Commission. Each member shall have one vote. Appointments to fill vacancies shall be for the unexpired term only.
(B) The Mayor may appoint one person from each established community of the Borough to serve as an alternate member of the Planning Commission, in which case they shall be confirmed by the Assembly prior to serving. Alternate members shall attend meetings and hold full voting powers only when substituting for a regular member.
(C) In addition to the members provided for in Charter § 8.010, the Mayor may appoint one or more residents of the Borough to serve as advisors to the Commission. Advisors shall have no voting powers.
(D) The regular and alternate members of the Planning Commission shall be qualified voters of the Borough. The Borough Mayor shall be an ex officio member, but shall have no voting powers.

(’75 Code, § 2.12.010)(Ord. 73-1, passed 2-13-73; Am. Ord. 73-1-3, passed 12-5-78; Am. Ord. 73-1-4, passed 1-12-82; Am. Ord. 73-1-6, passed 3-3-92)


Only regular members (and alternate members who are substituting for regular members at a particular meeting) are entitled to compensation as set forth in § 2.24.030.

(’75 Code, § 2.12.020)(Ord. 81-22, passed 6-2-81; Am. Ord. 73-1-6, passed 3-3-92)


The Planning Commission shall designate a voting member as its presiding officer to conduct the affairs of the Commission, a deputy presiding officer to serve in the absence of the presiding officer, and a clerk. The clerk may be either a voting or an alternate member of the Commission. The clerk shall prepare the journal of the Commission’s proceedings.

(’75 Code, § 2.12.030)(Ord. 73-1-5, passed 6-1-82)


The Planning Commission shall adopt a seal of two concentric circles within which appear the words “North Slope Borough Planning Commission”, “Seal”, and “State of Alaska”. The seal shall be retained in the custody of the Borough Clerk.

(’75 Code, § 2.12.040)(Ord. 73-1-3, passed 12-5-78)

§ 2.12.050 VACANCIES

(A) A vacancy shall be declared and filled when the member:

  1. Fails to qualify and take his office within 30 days after his confirmation by the Assembly.
  2. Departs from the Borough with the intent to remain away for a period of 90 or more days or is physically absent from the area he was appointed to represent for a period of 90 or more days.
  3. Submits his resignation and the resignation is accepted by the Borough Mayor.
  4. Is physically or mentally unable to attend Commission meetings for a period of more than 90 days.
  5. Misses three or more consecutive regular meetings, unless excused by the Commission.
  6. Is convicted of a felony or of an offense involving violation of his oath of office.

(B) The clerk of the Planning Commission shall keep attendance records and notify the Borough Mayor when vacancies occur.

(’75 Code, § 2.12.050)(Ord. 73-1, passed 2-13-73)


A majority of voting membership constitutes a quorum. Any act of the Planning Commission requires a majority affirmative vote of those voting members present.

(’75 Code, § 2.12.060)(Ord. 73-1, passed 2-13-73; Am. Ord. 2012-02, passed 7-10-12)


Regular meetings shall be held each month at a date and time designated by the Planning Commission. At each regular meeting, the date and time for the following month’s meeting will be announced prior to adjournment. Special meetings may be called by the presiding officer or shall be called by him at the request of the Mayor or three members, including nonvoting members.

(’75 Code, § 2.12.070)(Ord. 73-1-5, passed 6-1-82)


Meetings shall be public and minutes shall be kept. Minutes and records shall be filed with the Clerk of the Borough and retained as public records.

(’75 Code, § 2.12.080)(Ord. 73-1, passed 2-13-73)


Meetings shall be conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order, and such modified or amended rules as may be adopted by the Planning Commission.

(’75 Code, § 2.12.090)(Ord. 73-1, passed 2-13-73)


(A) The order of business at regular meetings shall be:

  1. Approval of minutes of previous meetings, as amended or corrected.
  2. Reading and disposition of correspondence.
  3. Unfinished business.
  4. New business.
  5. Miscellaneous business.

(B) The order of business at special meetings shall be prescribed by the presiding officer.

(’75 Code, § 2.12.100)(Ord. 73-1, passed 2-13-73


(A) The Planning Commission shall be provided office space suitable for its needs and adequate to file its journals, resolutions, records, reference materials, correspondence and maps, plats and charts, all of which shall constitute public records of the Borough.
(B) The Commission shall be furnished secretarial assistance at each meeting to assist in preparing its minutes, journals and resolutions, and as required to prepare its correspondence under the direction of the Commission presiding officer and Commission clerk.
(C) The Mayor may in his discretion make available to the Commission, the planning staff and consultants of the Borough to aid in the furtherance of the performance of the Commission’s duties.

(’75 Code, § 2.12.110)(Ord. 73-1, passed 2-13-73)


(A) All formal actions of the Planning Commission shall be by resolution bearing:

  1. The heading “North Slope Borough Planning Commission”.
  2. The space for the serial number to be assigned, “Resolution, Serial No.____________”.
  3. A short and concise title descriptive of its subject and purposes.
  4. Short premises or “whereas” clauses descriptive of the reasons for the resolution, if necessary.
  5. The resolving clause “Be It Resolved:”.
  6. Provision for signature after the text “Adopted ____________/____________/____________(date)” and designated lines for the signatures of the Commission presiding officer and the Borough Clerk.

(B) All resolutions adopted by the Commission whether at the instance of and presented by third parties, or on the motion of and insistence of the Commission, shall conform to that set forth in division (A) above and shall be on white 8½ inch by 11 inch paper with a 1½ inch left margin suitable for permanent filing.

(’75 Code, § 2.12.120)(Ord. 73-1, passed 2-13-73)

§ 2.12.130 FUNDS

All funds of the Planning Commission received as fees and charges or otherwise shall be deposited in the General Fund of the Borough as receipts of the activities of the Commission.

(’75 Code, § 2.12.130)(Ord. 73-1, passed 2-13-73)


The performance of the functions of planning and zoning by the Planning Commission shall be performed from time to time when the Commission has transmitted its recommendations to the Assembly and when the Assembly has acted thereon by ordinance or resolution.


Nita Oyagak, Commision Clerk
Phone Number: (907) 852-0320

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