General Information

The Central Office Division is responsible for the overall management and direction of the Department in partnership with division managers and staff.  The support staff perform day-to-day administrative tasks and are often the first contact with the public and other departments.  In accordance with the Mission Statement, timely service to the public in person, by mail, and by phone, is emphasized.

The Central Office also provides administrative support for the following Commissions.

  • The Borough Planning Commission:
    • The Planning Commission oversees the administration and interpretation of the Borough Municipal code Titles 18 and 19.   The Commission also reviews and makes recommendations to the Borough Assembly on the Comprehensive Land Use Plans and Capital Improvements.
  • Utqiagvik Zoning Commission:
    • The Utqiagvik Zoning Commission oversees the enforcement and interpretation of Titles 18 and 19 within the Utqiagvik city limits and makes recommendations for Utqiagvik’s Comprehensive Plan in coordination with the Community.


Kristin “Tuuq” Gutierrez-Edwards, Deputy Director
Phone Number: (907) 852-0320

Michelle Oto, Division Manager
Phone Number: (907) 852-0320

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