General Information

The Community Planning and Development Division is responsible for the development of Community and Borough Comprehensive Land Use Plans and the Capital Improvement Program.  The Division utilizes a Geographic Information System (GIS) for land use inventories and manages Borough Real Estate Assets.  The Division carries out these responsibilities by:

  • initiating, completing and updating Community and Borough Comprehensive Land Use Plans;
  • soliciting the capital needs of Borough Departments, the School District, Communities and Tribal Governments for project scoping and funding considerations and the development and annual update of the 6-Year Capital Improvement Plan (NSB 2023-2028 Six Year Capital Plan);
  • compiling and maintaining accurate and up-to-date spatial data for mapping and land use management;
  • generating and maintaining material (gravel) sales revenue through the 9039 enterprise fund;
  • negotiate and execute real property leases within the Borough.


Kristin “Tuuq” Gutierrez-Edwards, Deputy Director
Phone Number: (907) 852-0320
Fax Number: (907) 852-0321


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