General information

The maps below show tracks for tags reporting from three different tagging efforts: Eastern Chukchi stock, Eastern Bering stock and the Bristol Bay stock. It is interesting to see how the three stocks partition themselves over the winter. Keep in mind that these are not the only stocks wintering in the Bering Sea. There are also beluga whales in the Gulf of Anadyr, and the eastern Beaufort Sea stock (also known as the Mackenzie stock) winters somewhere in the Bering Sea. We have no tags for these stocks at this time. This tagging effort is conducted under ADF&G’s Permit #18890.

Map of summer ranges for Alaska Beluga Whale Stocks. Courtesy of Justin Crawford, ADFG

Lots of folks have helped to collect this data, including the North Slope Borough, the Alaska Beluga Whale Committee, the Bristol Bay Native Association, the National Marine Fisheries Service, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, and many subsistence hunters. Thank you all, and especially thanks to John Citta and Justin Crawford of ADFG for producing these maps.


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